Camille Saint-Saëns

Camille Saint-Saëns

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French composer Camille Saint-Saëns was born in Paris on October 9th 1835. He was often compared to Mozart for his being a child prodigy and for his excellent craftsmanship. He was taught to play the piano from the age of three and gave his debut as a soloist at the age of ten with a programme including Beethoven’s Piano Concerto in C minor and Mozart’s Concerto in B flat, for which the young boy prepared his own cadenza. He performed the whole programme from memory – a rare feat at this time and one that particularly impressed the conductor Stamaty who recommended he study composition with Pierre Maleden. He enrolled at the Paris Conservatory in 1848 and began studying the organ with Benoist, being awarded the first prize in 1851. He also began studying composition and orchestration with Halévy and had lessons in accompaniment and singing. His prodigious talent won him the friendship of many within the upper echelons of Parisian culture at the time, such as Gounod, Berlioz and Liszt. He was appointed organist at St. Merry in 1853 where he remained until moving to the Madeleine in 1857. Whilst here Liszt heard him improvise and reportedly called him the best organist in the world.




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